Saturday, October 6, 2007


Great stoner/psychedelic rock. Found here are their first and latest full-length albums. Get (s)toked for the release of Old Growth which should be coming out on Matador Records in January 2008. If you're into this kind of music or realize that you like these albums (or most of the others that I post, for that matter) you should check out this short documentary - Such Hawks, Such Hounds. It features a ton of great bands that are in the same vein as Dead Meadow.

Dead Meadow - Dead Meadow (Tolotta/Planaria; 2000)

Dead Meadow - Feathers (Matador; 2005)


Anonymous said...

That peice of the documentary is only a clip. The full thing has yet to be released.

claire said...

remember me? i still check here and i have to give you a big thank you for turning me on to dead meadow too!